Art of Emotional Connection

The Art of Emotional Connection Groups

Emotional Connection is learning how to connect with ourselves in a way that might be new to many people. Many of us were discouraged in early childhood to experience and express all of our feelings/emotions. Maybe someone called you a daydreamer or you were told that your “imagination was always running wild”. I am here to tell you “they were wrong”!

I would love you to join me in learning an exciting way to be in relationship with yourself and others. These groups are open to all who want to learn how to connect to their feelings in an empathic, healthy, safe and introspective way.

Each group is focused on being in the moment of what is: thought, felt and then expressed.

A brief overview:

My intention for the groups is to have 5-7 people per session share an experience/feeling/situation that is causing them discomfort. Each group will meet once a month for 2 ½ hours. Nothing is mandatory during each group; therefore, if you want to observe, listen and not share you are welcome to attend and you will discover that you are not alone in what you feel.

Through this group process, you will learn to “listen” to each other and learn to “notice” feelings. As you become aware of your feeling body, you start to connect to all parts of yourself with empathy and love.  This process helps each participant hone their listening skills and watch their possible judgments, biases, thoughts and feelings while others are sharing. However, you will also be having your desires, needs, emotions met, heard and held. The entire group experience is interactive. Group experiences are a very powerful and dynamic mode for learning.

I will approach each session helping you to “hear yourself”, claim your true desires with a solid voice, contact your emotions and be able to know what you are feeling in each moment.

Diane Divone