

I think of my life as a “moving meditation”.  Twenty-one years ago I birthed Full Circle Wellness Center. I did this to create a sacred space to practice walking my inner talk. While FCWC was the container that I used, inside that space I developed various...
Meditation and Mirroring

Meditation and Mirroring

“When we cannot find contentment in ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.”  Francois De La Rochefoucauld Meditation and Mirroring is the same for me. That crack pipe incident couldn’t have happened unless I was already vibrating at that...
Feeling Inspired

Feeling Inspired

I think Wayne Dyer coined the phrase In-Spirit from Inspired. Not sure but this is what I am thinking right now. I just started reading M-Joy Practically Speaking:Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential by Melissa Joy Jonsson.  In the past year and a half...
Slowing Down to FEEL Passion

Slowing Down to FEEL Passion

While standing under the hot water in the shower today the words that crossed my mind were Passionate and Passion. I stood there while the hot water penetrated my skin and my mind. I felt passionate about bathing. I felt passionate about the feeling of the water on my...
Coherency is Overrated!

Coherency is Overrated!

Right now with everything that I have been feeling this is the thought that came to me while running today. “Coherency is Overrated!”   I burst out laughing and then continued to ponder that thought.  And guess what….I don’t even know what I...
Only Share the Fun Stuff! Right?

Only Share the Fun Stuff! Right?

In the past few days I’ve had a number of stressful experiences that I have been coping with, dealing with, managing, coming to terms with, being with and most of all (by conscious choice) experiencing. I am actually shaking internally and a bit externally as I...
A Story about a Crack Pipe

A Story about a Crack Pipe

The below picture is of a metal pipe…I am sharing this picture with you because it has a pretty wild story to tell. It was used as a crack pipe! This is a pipe that up until a few days ago was attached to a water heater in my laundry room in Florida. A person...
Our Hearts Tell Us Everything! Are We Listening?

Our Hearts Tell Us Everything! Are We Listening?

After facilitating another wonderful and profound group Monday night I am left with one thought. Our Hearts have secrets to tell! And our Hearts want to express and share all these deeper parts. However, to do that they/we need to feel safe, secure, trusting and...
Write What You/I Feel

Write What You/I Feel

One of my favorite writing workshops and practices is called Proprioceptive Writing. I have participated in these workshops with Linda Metcalf and Tobin Simon. If you are interested their book is Writing the Mind Alive. In the book they write -“A Write (which is...
Trusting My Inner Guidance

Trusting My Inner Guidance

I woke up today feeling a bit “off”. So I stayed in bed and spoke to myself about the “off feeling”. I started out by saying to myself–(not in judgement or critical voice but in a loving inner tone) “what is going on...