Mexico, Black Locust Trees and A Simple Life

Mexico, Black Locust Trees and A Simple Life

A gentle breeze is blowing in the window of the room where I am sitting. The birds are serenading me while I look outside through these windows and see the colors of the tropical flowers that are surrounding me. Right now I am complete and feel satiated. How often do...
Thank You for sharing my Birthday with me–

Thank You for sharing my Birthday with me–

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” –Mary Oliver This has been a special birthday celebration. As my birth-date passes and I reflect on how I am feeling I want to share my appreciation with you. For years I have...
Let’s Get Wet Together!

Let’s Get Wet Together!

Do you want more arousal, laughter, adventure, fun, communication, orgasms in your life? Read on…. I am doing an experiment —– Wondering how many of you would have looked at this blog post if the title was: “How to be more connected to your...
Waiting to be Inspired–

Waiting to be Inspired–

I sit here in my kitchen waiting to be inspired. No pressure just the simple experience of knowing something will come. I sit here at my desk waiting to be inspired. Patience is all that is needed. I drive to do errands knowing that at some point inspiration will come...
Holiday’s, Holy Day’s or Just another Day?

Holiday’s, Holy Day’s or Just another Day?

I woke up this morning feeling into what does a Holiday or Holy Day or another day in my life mean to me? I notice that I felt annoyed about these super imposed ideas that I need to celebrate these “special” days of the year. This is not a new sensation or...

Are you TOO Busy to smell the Roses?

Maybe you can slow down and smell the proverbial roses? It is spring time in the United States. I know this might feel hard and uncomfortable- I know you want to keep busy so you can “feel alive and vibrant!” Did you know that you can feel alive and...
Women of Distinction part 2

Women of Distinction part 2

Bonus Interview Questions These are bonus questions that were from the original interview with Women of Distinction Magazine. Specific Questions: Q- How did you get started in your career? In what year? A- I have been involved with the Holistic Healing Arts since...
Women of Distinction Part 1

Women of Distinction Part 1

I am honored to have been featured in Women of Distinction Magazine. Click here to read the article.   I have been offering Wellness Coaching services for over 20 years. I am always honored and thrilled to work with people who are willing and desirous of...
Don’t believe everything YOU think!

Don’t believe everything YOU think!

Our minds do what we tell them to do and then we believe our minds? At times I find the hardest and most challenging parts of being in consciousness is to “set my mind” to a certain task and then continue directing it to the thoughts that I want...
All Feelings are Welcome Here… Or Are They?

All Feelings are Welcome Here… Or Are They?

I love to Ponder! Lately I have been giving a lot of thought to what is Joy and what is Pain? And how does the “idea” of those words impact my thoughts about my feelings? Or how does that impact the idea about feelings? Or what do those words imply about...