Call to Action, Branding, Selling…etc….

Call to Action, Branding, Selling…etc….

I need a call to action on my website? I need a brand? I need to market differently! I need give aways, I need a BIO if I want to be seen. This last one I definitely agree with! These are “real” things that are in our world of marketing. I have done so...
About Perfection?

About Perfection?

I don’t really think of myself as desiring to be perfect. Yet here I am feeling very anxious about the creation of my new website. A website that is a collection of all things ME! And I want it to be perfect! When I hit publish I had a mixture of feelings:...
Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

Good Morning- “One must have chaos in oneself in order to give birth to a dancing star.” FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE This quote inspired me to write to all of you. It is the Summer Solstice and also Father’s Day. Interesting to me….Because the Summer...
Saying Goodbye – An Opening into the Unknown

Saying Goodbye – An Opening into the Unknown

 Why do I go kicking and screaming into the Unknown? It seems as if I am falling into an abyss. I actually like the Unknown A Lot! This is why this feeling is so baffling to me.Is it programming that says “I shouldn’t like living in the Unknown”?  I...
Wild Urban Woman

Wild Urban Woman

I crack myself up! OK–so here’s what happened. Yesterday morning I woke up to no water in my house. Nothing! Dead space between the faucet and my tea pot. I went around to all the faucets thinking there is probably something wrong with the kitchen faucet....
Waiting to Exhale

Waiting to Exhale

During my meditation this morning these words came to me.  I am waiting to EXHALE! I remember that there was a book and movie with that title. I also remember thinking that I never cognitively understood what that title meant. Not until this morning when I viscerally...
Patriarchy and Having Fun!

Patriarchy and Having Fun!

I saw the parts of you that you thought you were hiding. You were incapable of meeting me in the knowing that I was able to see the deeper parts that you thought you were hiding. But they were there. Hiding in plan sight. Who do we think we are fooling? Only...
Empowerment Group Therapy-for Women and Men

Empowerment Group Therapy-for Women and Men

I will use memories but  I will not allow memories to use me.  –Deepak Chopra For the last 15 years I have referred to my groups as Emotional Release groups. However, I have come to realize that they are so much more than what that name implies. My groups are...
Reiki Circle and Winter Solstice Celebration

Reiki Circle and Winter Solstice Celebration

This is the beginning of the Winter Season—   The Winter Solstice-2014, the December solstice comes on Dec 21 at 5:03 p.m.CST. That’s 23:03 Universal Time. It’s when the sun on our sky’s dome reaches its farthest southward point for the year....
I Thought I was Tall and Rich

I Thought I was Tall and Rich

OK–these ideas came from my mother. She was always saying how tall I was when I reached my full adult height of 5ft 4in. She would also comment on the fact that I was 21inches long at birth.  I guess this is a “tall/long” baby statistic. You see my...