I Fell In Love Today!

I Fell In Love Today!

I have to say I fall in LOVE a lot! I really think that I love to love. I can recall feeling this way as a child and hiding these feelings. So as an adult I choose to NOT hide my love affair with love. I have come to realize that love is a wonder-Full and...
All Things Are Possible!

All Things Are Possible!

Wishing You Limitless Possibilities! I have been offering Wellness Coaching services for over 20 years. I am always honored and thrilled to work with people who are willing and desirous of connecting to their deeper selves.  My work caters to those that have already...
Tuesday After Group

Tuesday After Group

I am really happy that I have rediscovered this blog. It seems funny to me but nevertheless, I actually forgot that I created it 4 years ago. Right before I left for Iceland I googled myself, which  I have never done before. Now for all of you that google everything...