Saying Goodbye – An Opening into the Unknown

Saying Goodbye – An Opening into the Unknown

 Why do I go kicking and screaming into the Unknown? It seems as if I am falling into an abyss. I actually like the Unknown A Lot! This is why this feeling is so baffling to me.Is it programming that says “I shouldn’t like living in the Unknown”?  I...
Waiting to Exhale

Waiting to Exhale

During my meditation this morning these words came to me.  I am waiting to EXHALE! I remember that there was a book and movie with that title. I also remember thinking that I never cognitively understood what that title meant. Not until this morning when I viscerally...
Empowerment Group Therapy-for Women and Men

Empowerment Group Therapy-for Women and Men

I will use memories but  I will not allow memories to use me.  –Deepak Chopra For the last 15 years I have referred to my groups as Emotional Release groups. However, I have come to realize that they are so much more than what that name implies. My groups are...
I am Dancing like nobody’s Watching!

I am Dancing like nobody’s Watching!

I noticed that I have intentionally not been writing this blog lately because I have been in my critical voice phase. There are so many blogs and so many people writing that: “why should I write too”? This is the critical voice speaking. So it took hold of...
You can’t always get what you want…

You can’t always get what you want…

As the Rolling Stones song goes….”but if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need”. The older I get the more I know this to be true. I think I want something and then –BAM–it doesn’t show up and I feel:...