Early Morning Musings

Early Morning Musings

I can’t sleep! This has been happening a lot lately. I have been pretty stressed out in recent months. I went to the acupuncturist today and felt much more grounded after having all those needles in my back to help balance my energies. I love my sleep. I very...
New Attitude

New Attitude

I love Patti LaBelle and especially her song New Attitude.  After the tumultuous night I had last night and then finally falling asleep I woke up with her song on my mind. (Words below) Although I am still being emotionally tossed around I have more of a handle on...
Occupation vs. Vocation

Occupation vs. Vocation

This question rose inside of me this morning while reflecting on certain things that have recently been happening in my life.  Is my work my occupation or my vocation? I love what I do! No I don’t just love it — I live for what I do! And that doesn’t...
My Dream Ride

My Dream Ride

I haven’t written in a week because I’ve been caught…caught in a riptide…an undertow…riding against the current of my own emotional body. I felt a shift this morning. I attended a spin class this week. This is not an ordinary spin class....
Meditation and Mirroring

Meditation and Mirroring

“When we cannot find contentment in ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.”  Francois De La Rochefoucauld Meditation and Mirroring is the same for me. That crack pipe incident couldn’t have happened unless I was already vibrating at that...