Feeling Inspired

Feeling Inspired

I think Wayne Dyer coined the phrase In-Spirit from Inspired. Not sure but this is what I am thinking right now. I just started reading M-Joy Practically Speaking:Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential by Melissa Joy Jonsson.  In the past year and a half...
Coherency is Overrated!

Coherency is Overrated!

Right now with everything that I have been feeling this is the thought that came to me while running today. “Coherency is Overrated!”   I burst out laughing and then continued to ponder that thought.  And guess what….I don’t even know what I...
Write What You/I Feel

Write What You/I Feel

One of my favorite writing workshops and practices is called Proprioceptive Writing. I have participated in these workshops with Linda Metcalf and Tobin Simon. If you are interested their book is Writing the Mind Alive. In the book they write -“A Write (which is...
Trusting My Inner Guidance

Trusting My Inner Guidance

I woke up today feeling a bit “off”. So I stayed in bed and spoke to myself about the “off feeling”. I started out by saying to myself–(not in judgement or critical voice but in a loving inner tone) “what is going on...
And Another Thought—-Thinking on Purpose

And Another Thought—-Thinking on Purpose

I see how I kept this part of my morning experience to myself. But as soon as I published the last post I felt a discord in my body. So here is another part of my morning– After I woke up the second time this morning I opened my emails and read a post by Richard...