
The picture is me at a Halloween party~ my alter ego The Diva

“Shame is the most powerful master emotion. It’s the fear that we’re not good enough.”~Brené Brown

Are you aware of your fears?

Are you aware that at times you may not feel safe?

Have you ever thought about how fear and safety might go hand in hand?

Do you allow yourself to really sink into your fears? Do you allow yourself to really show how afraid you might feel at times?

We are a society or possibly a world full of shame! Lack of worthiness! Lack of self-respect or self esteem!

Whether it is around our sexuality, the way we dress, the way we speak, the way we walk, the way our body looks or to go even further the way our bodies FEEL!

What rose inside of you when you read “the way your body FEELS!” If you had anything other than a joyous and delicious sensation…then you are in SHAME!

“Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change.”~ Brené Brown 

Yes,  I will be so bold as to make a blanket statement–We are all in some form of Shame throughout each day. It is insidious and as Brené Brown states “corrosive.” It eats away at us in subtle but very damaging and diminishing ways. Shame~a feeling that can take us over for a perceived wrong or foolish statement, behavior, gesture.

Just think about how many times you stop yourself from doing something or trying something new because of a certain “feeling or sensation” that interrupts you movement or moment. This is Shame!

It can stop us from moving forward in our lives. It can hinder expansion and growth.