
Writing allows me to delve deeply into how I am feeling and helps me to be responsible for my thoughts and desires. I become Present to myself through sharing my writings. A friend calls my writings essays. At first I felt confused by his description. So I sat with that word and decided, yes, I am an essayist as well as a blogger. Blogger seems to be the more current phrasing but essayist has a distinguished feel to me. So I proclaim myself to be both!

Now what does that above paragraph have to do with movies and songs ~ nothing and everything. I don’t like being manipulated by movies or songs. OOH ~ Does that sound harsh? I noticed that I was hesitant to write that sentence. But this is my truth. I feel the pull to sink into a sad movie or listen to an old song that might kick up some memory around some heartbreak or it can even be a happy time and memory. I find this all very curious! How we use these things to elicit an emotion or feeling. This is an observation not a judgment about movies and songs, which by the way I love both.  I am exploring the feeling sensations around how these might impact my present moments.

I am questioning how a movie or song can invoke something from the past and bring it current. But then is it really current? I am thinking about something that already happened and pulling it into my present moment and then reframing it so that it has something to do with what is present when in actuality it is neither present or future. It is something that has already happened and I am conjuring up thoughts that are now affecting my emotions in the present moment!

Wow! I think I will just stick with my present moment words, feelings, thoughts and ideas. And what are they you might ask? I am here writing and feeling quite happy that I have the ability to formulate and articulate words as a blogger or essayist. My words become sentences and paragraphs that I am sharing with each of you. That’s about it!

Think about it ~ how often during your day are you really being present with yourself. Just watch yourself. You can use this very moment as an experiment. You are reading this post. It may be moving your towards varying thoughts about past thinking or even tomorrow’s activities. This is what this is about. Your body is having a sensation that is being dictated by your thinking and I am here nudging you with these words to think about what you are thinking. Encouraging you to stay present in your thinking. So here we are ~ together. I am writing while you are reading and that’s all there is to this moment.

I hope this post brought a smile to your face and a question or two to your mind. 

Thanks for being a part of my evening musings!