
After facilitating another wonderful and profound group Monday night I am left with one thought. Our Hearts have secrets to tell! And our Hearts want to express and share all these deeper parts. However, to do that they/we need to feel safe, secure, trusting and nurtured. If those parts aren’t in place then the possibilities for our Hearts to reveal themselves becomes limited. We have an abundance of love, joy, passion, desire and FUN to be shared.

To be able to reveal all the insightful, scary and vulnerable places we need courage and a conscious decision to say YES to an open heart! Our deepest connections are Heartfelt and Soul-full. I started writing this on my Southwest flight to Florida and the flight attendant brought my drink with this in it. I love how the Humorous Universe always makes me smile.


I reflect a lot on my father. He died of congestive heart failure when he was 55 years old. He didn’t drink or smoke. And in 1977 when he died “Alternative” modalities weren’t as available or recognized as they are today. I was always so curious about his “disease.” Actually, his disease and death was one of the factors that lead me down the path of an Alternative Lifestyle. I am led by the knowing that there is always something deeper that wants to be revealed.

Right before my father died he asked me to lunch. We really didn’t have much of a relationship so I was surprised and curious. That day he told me that he was very unhappy in his life and the path it/he had taken. (I didn’t ask what he meant or really didn’t want to know because reflecting I was probably in shock that he was telling me this.) He said “Even though he was unhappy he intended to live the rest of his days the way he chose. He was not going to listen to anyone (doctors) about his diet and the way he wanted to live.” Which meant going to as many race tracks as he wanted and betting every penny he had on horses. At that moment I can still recall knowing that he was going to leave his physical form soon and also admiring him in his decision to follow his purpose. Which revolved around the race track, betting and expending a lot of emotions while the horses were coming around that clubhouse turn! He would scream, shout, voraciously emote and then rip up his (losing) tickets and throw them on the ground. All the while moving towards the back of the track picking out “his” horse in the next race! PASSION!

Heart disease is said to be the #1 “killer disease”. History shows me that dysfunctional emoting is harmful to the person and those around them. My life’s purpose is to help myself and others gently connect to all those “hidden” parts of self. When we are not in conscious connection to these deeper parts, I believe, we implode or we explode at those around us. Learning how to direct those unresolved feelings and being witnessed in them in a safe container is one of the ways to open our hearts.

Let’s open our hearts….First –to ourselves and then everything else will fall in to place!


I have been offering Wellness Coaching services for over 20 years. I am always honored and thrilled to work with people who are willing and desirous of connecting to their deeper selves.  My work caters to those that have already done transformational work and are ready to go to another level of self-discovery.
I invite you to contact me at Diane@dianedivone.com to set up your free 15 Minute Introductory Session.