
I am really happy that I have rediscovered this blog. It seems funny to me but nevertheless, I actually forgot that I created it 4 years ago.

Right before I left for Iceland I googled myself, which  I have never done before. Now for all of you that google everything it may seem strange…but truth is I just never thought to google myself. So upon googling I found pictures, a past travel blog and this blog. OH well…there seems to be no secrets in life anymore. I guess I have to continue hand writing in my journal to keep things completely private. Which of course I will digress and talk about how at 8 years old I created my own alphabet system so my mother couldn’t read my diary.  In 1990 while cleaning out my grandfathers house after he passed away I found an old book that had my alphabet system in it. I was stunned and excited that I had done such an incredible thing.  I realized that some of my symbols were actually Celtic Runes.  The profound innocence and spiritual connection of a child —  I LOVE that!


My 8 year old Secret Club Book
Where letters and numbers have the same symbols


Sharing this now is fun and exciting. Looking at it and realizing that I actually used these letters to write is pretty amazing to me. The lengths I went to so I could have some privacy.

Returning to present moment and last night’s group. I am always in a deeply reflective place the day after I lead/facilitate an Emotional Release/Connection group. The power and intimacy that is created in each of these groups fills my heart and soul with life force and wonder.  I feel so honored that people feel safe with me to co-create something that is so alive with consciousness, tenderness and a depth and desire to explore themselves.

Back to my childhood…but not before I share a made up word. Sneakrecy-  It’s a combination of secrets and sneaking. That is pretty much what existed in my childhood house. Not lies but whispers, secrets and sneaking around. So hence, my made up word for what that was. I have a deep aversion to  that type of behavior because my history was so full of it. (Double meaning on that last phrase)

My life is an open book now. I live mostly from a place of transparency. It suits me and what I have chosen as my life’s path and purpose. Helping myself first, to continue to open to life’s mysteries and experiences. Secondly, to help others do the same.

I like to think of these posts as Thoughts in the Moment! Consciousness revealing itself through my quiet contemplative moments. I had to learn to be quiet. My Italian heritage dictates being very loud while communicating even if you are next to the person(of course I am laughing while writing this). I really do love that about being Italian.  I remember being in front of a store and there was a mom, dad and a few children (in my experience they were talking) but someone said, wow those people are fighting and yelling.  I hadn’t even noticed and then I laughed and said…OH NO…they were just deciding which yogurt to buy. It was a funny awakening in that moment about how familiar that tone was to me. Reflecting on other “Italian situations”–I attend my close friends family “Traditional Italian Christmas Eve” party every year.  I am awe struck by the noise, food and love that is generated by the energy all those people coming together in one house brings to the gathering. It is familiar, warm, cuddly, exhausting and a sweet memory in my life.

Group experiences are the same for me. Warm, cuddly, loud (my groups are) energetic, calm, quiet and most of all a place where you can be whatever, whoever you want to be in that particular moment.  “All of you” is welcome to my party/house/group. Every mood, word, feeling, and desire -no matter how loud, quiet or soft you want to be. It is your choice and all of you is accepted and Loved!

Till next time—-


I have been offering Wellness Coaching services for over 20 years. I am always honored and thrilled to work with people who are willing and desirous of connecting to their deeper selves.  My work caters to those that have already done transformational work and are ready to go to another level of self-discovery.
I invite you to contact me at Diane@dianedivone.com to set up your free 15 Minute Introductory Session.